Like many First Nations Communities Pikangikum has relied on diesel generators for its electricity for many years; until recently when they became the first community to connect to the Ontario power grid with the help of the Wataynikaneyap Power Project. The project, spearheaded by 22 First Nations Communities, symbolizes an historic effort to modernize the electricity systems in First Nations. This achievement was marked by a Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony in the Community of Pikangikum where, for the first time, diesel electricity was turned off and the Community entirely connected to the Ontario power grid.

The connection of Pikangikum also signifies an opportunity for the Community. With reliable access to power via the Ontario power grid, Pikangikum can begin to focus on other aspects of their Community and continue to grow. IFNA would like to congratulate Pikangikum and Wataynikaneyap Power on their successful connections and for their future successes in power generation in the future.