In volume 8 of The Alliance, IFNA departments provide insight on recent developments, including:


IFNA is thrilled to congratulate all graduates this year for their hard work and dedication! We look forward to seeing the positive impact you will have on your communities and beyond.

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New Vans Enhance Healthcare Transportation and Accessibility for IFNA Communities

Independent First Nations Alliance (IFNA) has made a significant advancement in transportation and healthcare access as requested by member communities.

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Federal Budget Nears Approval for Crucial Pikangikum Infrastructure Project

In April, the government unveiled their federal budget including pivotal funding for the Berens River Bridge and Road Project, a significant development for Pikangikum First Nation and six neighbouring communities.

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Empowering Food Security: Nidawekichigehwin Initiative Takes Root

The Independent First Nations Alliance (IFNA) has embarked on a journey to address food security issues within member communities.

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