In the August 2023 volume of The Alliance, IFNA departments provide insight on recent developments, including:
Over the course of the summer, IFNA partnered with Indigenous Services Canada and later with the Ontario Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) Operation SAFER (Smoke Alarms For Every Residence) program to be able to put smoke alarms in every home in IFNA member communities.
After receiving funding in 2019, the Aglace Chapman Education Centre in Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug has officially opened. With the previous school only going up to Grade 10, the new facility has the capacity for students to stay in-community to complete their entire education through Grade 12.
Back in May, Canadian Ranger Sergeant Buster Kurahara of Pikangikum First Nation was presented with the Chief of Defence Staff
Commendation by the command team of the 3rd Canadian Ranger Patrol Group for his work in evacuations back in 2019.
Technical Service’s Northern Greenhouse Project, focused on food security, sovereignty, and economic development for IFNA member
communities, is making remarkable progress.